Voice and Swallow Clinics Lecture Series

Welcome to the University of Wisconsin Division of Otolaryngology, Voice & Swallow online courses! Our Voice & Swallow Clinics Lecture Series is comprised of expert lectures recorded live during private offerings held at the UW Voice and Swallow Clinic. They are courses you can take that are eligible to earn ASHA CEUs.

There is NO CHARGE from UW for these offerings. Work at your own pace from your office or home to take these courses! Voice & Swallow Clinics Case Conference and Lecture Series is sponsored by the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Department of Surgery.

Register for our online Case Conference and Lecture Series, view a lecture and complete the related assessment of learning.

Non-ASHA members do not need to register and may select a course and click "watch now" to review a lecture.

ASHA members tracking CE credit independently should register and retain a copy of their completion certificate for their records.

ASHA CEUs are awarded to those that meet eligibility criteria by the ASHA CE Registry upon receipt of the CEU Participant Form from the ASHA Approved CE Provider. The ASHA CE Registry is a computerized data base that awards CEUs on behalf of ASHA's Continuing Education Board. Participants pay an annual fee to use the ASHA CE Registry. Please allow up to 6 months for the course to appear on your ASHA transcript.

Please visit the FAQ if you have any questions about these courses.

Questions? Contact Us

For additional information and questions, please email:

Amy Baillies, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S
Email: abaillies2@uwhealth.org
Please include your ASHA # in your email.

Voice and Swallow Lectures

Lectures eligible for ASHA CEUs

Each course is offered based on the following:
Intermediate Level

Title Presentor Expiration Date Actions
Infant Language Development Jenny Saffran, PhD, CCC-SLP
Evaluating & Treating Induced Laryngeal Obstruction in Children and Adolescents Robert Fujiki, PhD, CCC-SLP, Rebecca Johnson, MS, CCC-SLP, and John Munday, MS, CCC-SLP
Laryngeal Injury after Intubation Ruth Davis, MD
Interdisciplinary Approaches Using AAC in Goals of Care Discussions Katie Blue, MS, CCC-SLP, Andrew Navarro, BSN, and Jennifer Schroeder, MSSW
Sarcopenia & Swallowing in Older Adults: Making the Case for Proactive Exercise Sonja Molfenter, PhD, CCC-SLP
From Rats to Real-Time Practice: Translational Research into Vocal Hyperfunction Aaron Johnson, PhD, CCC-SLP
Trials and Tribulations of Establishing a Tracheostomy Team Kelly Sherwood Johnson, MS, CCC-SLP, Julie Raetz-Beckman, MS, CCC-SLP, Elizabeth Laessig-Stary, MSN, RN-BC, and Kelly Sprague, RRT, BSHA

Past Courses

Title Presentor Presented On Actions
Laryngeal Biology Update: Clinical Implications for Voice and Swallow Susan Thibeault, PhD, CCC-SLP and Nathan Welham, PhD, CCC-SLP 2023-11-30
Considerations for Facilitating & Promoting Behavior Change in the Voice Clinic Lisa Vinney, PhD, CCC-SLP 2023-11-02
Beyond Straws: Making Voice Therapy Functional and Fun Amanda Gillespie, PhD, CCC-SLP 2023-07-06
Multi-lingual Considerations for Working with Children with Cleft Palate Caitlin Cummings, MA, MA, CCC-SLP, John Munday, MS, CCC-SLP, and Chelsea Sommer, PhD, CCC-SLP 2023-06-29
Cough Rehabilitation in Patients with Dysphagia and Neurologic Disease Michelle Troche, PhD, CCC-SLP 2023-06-15
Speech Pathologist Management of Dysphagia Following Cardiothoracic Surgery Stevie Marvin, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S 2023-04-13
Muscle Tension Dysphagia: A Diagnostic and Treatment Approach Abigail Cary, MS, CCC-SLP and Carol Tolejano, MA, CCC-SLP 2023-02-23
LaDIVA: A neurocomputational model of vocal motor control for speech production Hasini Weerathunge, MS 2022-10-06
Dysphagia in Dementia: The Role of the SLP Across Disease Stages Sara Gustafson, MS, CCC-SLP and Nicole Rogus Pulia, PhD, CCC-SLP 2022-09-22
Dysphagia Phenotypes in Motor Neuron Disease Stephanie Gardon, MD, Molly Knigge, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, and Aidan Osborne, MS, CCC-SLP 2022-08-11
Caregiver Burden: Moving Beyond Swallowing Physiology Ashwini Namasivayam-MacDonald, PhD, CCC-SLP 2022-07-21
Viruses and the larynx: Toward a model of recurrent respiratory papillomatosis Renee King, PhD, CCC-SLP 2022-06-29
Post-Covid Upper Airway Symptoms: Typical Post-viral Syndrome or New Phenotype? Caitlin Croegaert Koch, MS, CCC-SLP and Lisa Vinney, PhD, CCC-SLP 2022-04-28
High-Speed Video Endoscopy Basics: Dynamic Hormone and Thermal Considerations Rita Patel, PhD, CCC-SLP and Mary Sandage, PhD, CCC-SLP 2021-12-16
Management of Velopharyngeal Dysfunction and Assessment of Surgical Outcomes Adriane Baylis, PhD, CCC-SLP 2021-10-07
COVID-19 Updates: Epidemiology, Treatment, Infection Control and Dysphagia Michael Pulia, MD, MS 2021-09-09
Telehealth for Dysphagia: Evidence, Best Practices and Future Directions Georgia Malandraki, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S 2021-08-05
Voice Telepractice in 2021: Acoustics, Auditory Perception & Vocal Effort Cara Stepp, PhD, CCC-SLP 2021-07-08
Recent Clinical Innovations that will Improve Real-Life Voice Therapy Jarrad Van Stan, PhD, CCC-SLP 2021-06-24
Management of Dysphagia in Infants with Laryngomalacia Marie de Stadler, MS, CCC-SLP, Jesse Hoffmeister, MS, CCC-SLP, and Jessica Van Beek King, MD 2020-12-10
The Role of the SLP in Patients Receiving Radiation for Head and Neck Cancer Amy Baillies, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, Jodi Hernandez, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, Molly Knigge, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, and Kirstyn Sunday, MA, CCC-SLP 2020-12-01
COVID-19 and Clinical Practice of Voice and Upper Airway Disorders Maia Braden, MS, CCC-SLP, Seth Dailey, MD, Emerald Doll, MS, CCC-SLP, and Susan Thibeault, PhD 2020-11-01
Perioperative Voice Therapy: From Polyps to Paralysis and More Emerald Doll, MS, CCC-SLP and Carol Tolejano, MA, CCC-SLP 2020-03-05
Parkinson disease: New insights for approaching management of voice & swallowing Michelle Ciucci, PhD, CCC-SLP and Caitlin Croegaert Koch, MS, CCC-SLP 2019-12-05
How Thickened Liquids Work to Improve Swallowing Catriona Steele, Ph.D., CCC-SLP 2019-08-15
How do vocal loading studies in the laboratory inform our clinical practice? Preeti Sivasankar, Ph.D., CCC-SLP 2019-06-06
Evidence Based Practice in Infant Feeding and Swallowing Bryn Olson-Greb, MS, CCC-SLP, Laurie Matzdorf, MS, CCC-SLP, and Tina Spellman, MS, CCC-SLP 2019-05-02
A Turning Point in Dysphagia Management Ianessa Humbert, Ph.D., CCC-SLP 2019-04-11
Revisiting Interpretation of Laryngeal Stroboscopy Emerald Doll, MS, CCC-SLP 2019-03-14
Systemic Approach to Assessment of Infant Feeding and Swallowing Maia Braden, MS, CCC-SLP, Tina Spellman, MS, CCC-SLP, and Michelle Swain, MS, CCC-SLP 2018-12-13
Personalizing the Therapy Experience for Patients with Head and Neck Cancer Katherine Hutcheson, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S and Jan Lewin, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S 2018-05-31
Evidence Based Assessment and Treatment of Gender Expansive Voice David Francis, MD and Kevin Pasternak, MS, CCC-SLP 2018-04-26
Research Design & Statistical Approaches in the Areas of Voice and Swallow Ronald Gangnon, PhD, Katherine McConville, MA, CCC-SLP, and Nicole Rogus-Pulia, PhD, CCC-SLP 2018-02-08
Tracheostomy and Dysphagia Jamie Mayer, MS, CCC-SLP and Kathleen Huber, MS, CCC-SLP 2018-01-18
Evaluation and Management of Paradoxical Vocal Fold Motion Disorder in Pediatric Populations Maia Braden, MS, CCC-SLP, Jesse Hoffmeister, MS, CCC-SLP, and Kathryn Swenson, NP 2017-09-14
Patient Centered Outcomes Research in Voice Disorders David Francis, MD 2017-08-31
Voice Thera-palooza: voice therapy exercises evidence and theory-based practice Emerald Doll, MS, CCC-SLP, Paige Goodie, MS, CFY-SLP, Kevin Pasternak, MS, CFY-SLP, Brienne Ruel, MA, CCC-SLP, Carol Tolejano, MS, CCC-SLP, and Nathan Welham, PhD, CCC-SLP 2017-06-01
Dysphagia Grand Rounds Eric Gaumnitz, MD, Amy Baillies, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, Jodi Hernandez, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, and Kathleen Huber, MS, CCC-SLP 2017-04-13
Understanding the Aging Swallow: Physiology to Intervention Nicole Rogus-Pulia, PhD, CCC-SLP 2017-03-16
Management of Post-Extubation Dysphagia Stevie Marvin, MS,CCC-SLP 2017-01-26
When things go bump in the note: Minimizing and de-catastrophizing vocal injury in singers Debbie Phyland, PhD, MAppSc, BAppSc (Sp Path), Dip Ed, FSPA 2016-07-14
Resonant Voice Therapy: a prescriptive, programmed approach Joseph C. Stemple, Ph.D, CCC-SLP 2016-07-07
Non-cleft causes of velopharyngeal dysfunction Katherine McConville, MA, CCC-SLP 2016-05-19
Voice and Swallow Grand Rounds (Spring 2016) Amy Baillies, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, Renee King, MS, CFY-SLP, Nathan Welham, PhD, CCC-SLP, and Seth Dailey, MD 2016-03-10
Pharyngeal high resolution manometry: Past, present and future Corinne Jones, MS CCC-SLP, Timothy McCulloch, MD, and Hernandez Jodi, MS, CCC-SLP 2016-01-14
Speech Therapy for Cleft Palate and Velopharyngeal Dysfunction Lynn Marty Grames, MA, CCC-SLP 2015-10-29
Pediatric Dysphagia: Decision Making with Instrumental Swallow Studies Joan Arvedson, Ph.D, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, ASHA fellow 2015-09-24
Aerodynamic Assessment of Voice Nathan Welham, Ph.D, CCC-SLP 2015-09-17
Spasmodic Dysphonia 101: The Role of the SLP in Assessment and Treatment Brienne Ruel, MA, CCC-SLP 2015-06-18
Dysphagia Treatment-Revisited Caryn Easterling, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S 2015-04-30
Surgical treatment of Reinke's Edema Seth Dailey, MD 2015-02-19
Multi-disciplinary Management of Cough and the SLP Role Carol Tolejano, MS, CCC-SLP 2015-01-22
Voice and Swallowing Patient Reported Outcomes Nadine Connor, PhD 2014-10-09
Adapting voice therapy techniques to children Maia Braden, MS, CCC-SLP 2014-09-11
Beyond Botox: Treatment for Vocal Tremor Julie Barkmeier-Kraemer, Ph.D, CCC-SLP 2014-07-10
Voice and Swallow Grand Rounds Katherine McConville, MA, CCC-SLP, Brienne Ruel, MA, CCC-SLP, Stevie Marvin, MS ,CCC-SLP, and Molly Knigge, MS, CCC-SLP 2014-06-12
Systemic Hydration: Relating Science to Clinical Practice in Vocal Health Naomi Hartley, PhD, BSpPath(Hons) 2014-05-01
Assessment and treatment of cricopharyngeal dysfunction Molly Knigge, MS CCC-SLP BCS-S 2014-02-20
The importance of comprehensive evaluation: why the ear isn't enough for assessment Diane Bless, PhD 2014-01-22

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