Video playback requires Flash or HTML5 Video support. For best results, make sure your web browser is updated to the latest version. We recommend downloading either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. These browsers are free for all operating systems and update automatically. If using Internet Explorer, be sure you are on version 9 or later.
To receive AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™, you need to make a free account with the University of Wisconsin-Madison Interprofessional Continuing Education Partnership, and watch the videos on their website. You can watch the videos without receiving credit on our website.
Replay issues can occur for many reasons that are typically not within our control. If you are experiencing stoppage issues please try the following:
You can access the post test and/or course evaluation via your account with the University of Wisconsin-Madison Interprofessional Continuing Education Partnership.
We do not currently offer any feature to retain or download presenter's slides for a few reasons. Some of our presenters have expressed that they prefer not to share physical copies of their slides for copyright and/or proprietary reasons. While we know that slide handouts can be convenient, our hope is that each presenter's generous and thoughtful presentation will be a helpful resource and learning tool in its video form. To this end, each video will remain on our site even after it is no longer offered for CEUs so that the content will remain accessible for note taking and reference.
If you are having trouble streaming the video on our site, you can download the video to watch in a media player on your computer.
media format, which is playable in apps like QuickTime Player or Windows Media Player.Track your completion through your account with the University of Wisconsin-Madison Interprofessional Continuing Education Partnership. As of October 2018, we no longer store certificates of completion for past courses.
Contact Dorothy Cook at